China Association of Trade in Services (CATIS)

CATIS is a national non-profit society established by the Ministry of Commerce, authorized by the State Council and registered in the Ministry of Civil Affairs in 2007.With its separate legal personality, it is also the only trade-in-services industrial organization in China. It was established by the government under the strategic background to optimize the international […]


US-China Green Energy Council (UCGEC)

The US-China Green Energy Council (UCGEC) is a non-profit organization headquartered in the Silicon Valley, California. Its mission is to promote and strengthen U.S. and China collaboration in Green Energy by facilitating high impact clean-tech collaborative initiatives and projects between the U.S. and China and serving as a platform for the integration of policy, business, […]


The Monterey Bay International Trade Association(MBITA)

The Monterey Bay International Trade Association(MBITA) is a non-profit international trade association dedicated to job creation by providing global trade promotion services, global business networking education in the greater Monterey Bay Region of California and beyond. MBITA provides access to global resources through a long established global network and the latest online, global trade technologies […]



Led by founder, CEO and chief mentor Jason Ma, ThreeEQ is passionate about empowering and grooming new generations of young global leaders. (1) We privately mentor the children (teenagers and adults) of high net worth parents worldwide on the top-tier US college and university planning and admissions process and on personal life and career success management. […]


Hoover Institution Stanford University

Now more than five decades old, Herbert Hoover’s 1959 statement to the Board of Trustees of Stanford University on the purpose and scope of the Hoover Institution continues to guide and define its mission in the twenty-first century: “This Institution supports the Constitution of the United States, its Bill of Rights and its method ofrepresentative […]



SingerLewak is a leading regional accounting services firm in California with offices in Los Angeles, Orange County, Woodland Hills, Monterey Park, Silicon Valley and San Francisco. Serving California since 1959, SingerLewak has established a reputation for excellence as professionals with unparalleled expertise in Accounting, Tax, and Advisory. We provide the services of a large firm […]


Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Who We Are SCID is a center within the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) which focuses on international trade and development. Faculty at the Stanford Center for International Development (SCID) focus their research on economic policies in developing and transition countries. They work to advise and influence the international economic system by working with policy […]


US Market Access Center

The US Market Access Center (abbreviated as USMAC), located in Menlo Park, is a business accelerator and trade gateway into the United States for high-tech international companies. The USMAC specializes in US market entry for small to mid-sized, high-growth companies in the information and communications, clean technology, and the life sciences sectors planning to expand their marketing, sales and operations to the United States. […]


Chinese Enterprise Association-California (北加州中国企业协会)

北加州中国企业协会成立于1997年9月,是在加州政府注册的非盈利性社团法人。其主要宗旨是为在旧金山湾区的中国企业服务,为中国国内企业到湾区发展服务和为美国企业了解中国服务。 现任会长是中国联通美国公司西部地区总裁陈冠敏。 历任会长: 第一任会长(1997-2000):吴志坚   南洋商业银行旧金山分行总经理 第二任会长(2000-2003):吴有义   美国广利公司总经理 第三任会长(2003-2008):夏钟瑞   美国上海华虹国际总裁 第四任会长(2008-2012):张再龄   美国中青旅总经理 协会标记: 协会请专业设计公司设计了新会徽。会徽颜色采用五星红旗的红色配金色,象征中国背景。底部是一个倒C,是协会英文名字CEA的第一个字Chinese的缩写,正面是一个A,是CEA中最后一个字Association的缩写,也意指America。标记中间蓝色圆圈代表运输,意指贸易,商务。标记特点是简单,形象。