Mayor Rick Kowalczyk was first elected California’s Half Moon Bay City Council in 2009, and is currently serving in his second term. He is responsible for key economic development initiatives that resulted the City’s robust financial recovery after previously facing potential bankruptcy. With the City now in a strong financial position, Rick architected a strategy to […]
Kirsten Keith
In Menlo Park, Kirsten Keith has served on the Community Mediation Services Committee, Housing Commission and Planning Commission. She was elected to Menlo Park City Council in 2010, and became Mayor in 2011. Kirsten has volunteered with community organizations throughout San Mateo County for twenty years. She served on the Board of Directors of Sor Juana […]
Marilyn Librers
Marilyn Librers has vast experience in the world of non profits and currently holds the position of Executive Director of the Pauchon Research Foundation based in Morgan Hill, California. This Foundation awards individuals and organizations who have contributed to the betterment of mankind. Her experience includes start ups of non profits, board recruitment, by-law development and fund raising. She […]
Victor Wang
王旸 (Victor Wang) 美中硅谷协会会长,SinoSV LLC总裁。曾任中关村瀚海硅谷科技园总裁,和中关村硅谷创投创始合伙人。之前曾在 美国硅谷创办高科技医疗软件公司, 在上市公司和世界500强企业担任高管。拥有斯坦福大学商学院管理硕士学位, 20多年的国际和国内企业管理、创业与投资经验,在中国、日本和美国生活和工作的经历。精通中英日语。 Mr. Wang is the CEO at SinoSV LLC. His professional experience includes President at Hanhai Investment, Founding Partner at zPark Venture, Founder and CEO at a Silicon Valley High-tech Healthcare software Company, and Executive at a Global IPO Company and a Fortune 500 Company . Mr. Wang […]
Michael Brownrigg
Michael Brownrigg was elected in 2009, receiving the most votes in the 2009 election, unusual for a first time candidate. Michael promised to bring financial and business experience to the Council in the midst of one of the greatest economic challenges to the City in memory. Based on his career as a US diplomat, he […]