2025年1月3日至1月16日,美中硅谷协会会同重庆市教育国际交流协会在重庆和成都组织实施了美国硅谷青少年中国行。 录像链接: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-1jFzrC2PL67ekuRgXp93lv08MlmpHKd/view?usp=drivesdk
Category Archives: Uncategorized
China Silicon Valley was invited to the Chinese New Year celebration reception of the Consulate General of China in San Francisco
On January 18th, 2023, China Silicon Valley Chairman Victor Wang, and President Marilyn Librers were invited by Consul General Zhang Jianmin to the the Chinese New Year celebration reception of the Consulate General of China in San Francisco.
China Silicon Valley was invited to the US-China relationship Summit
On August 24th, 2019, China Silicon Valley Chairman Victor Wang, President Marilyn Librers, and Board Member Michael Brownrigg were invited to the US-China relationship Summit (The Past 40 years, Present and Future).
China Silicon Valley President was invited to the 40th anniversary celebration of China US relations
On August 17th, 2019, China Silicon Valley President Marilyn Librers was invited to the 40th-anniversary celebration of China-US relations.
China Silicon Valley Chairman was invited to the Inauguration Ceremony of the 34th Treasurer of California
On January 9th, 2019, China Silicon Valley Chairman Victor Wang was invited to the Inauguration Ceremony of the 34th Treasurer of California Fiona Ma, who is also the Advisor of China Silicon Valley since 2013.
美中硅谷协会代表Shawn Flynn 在中国安徽省巢湖市举办的“2017国际数字商业创新应用论坛暨2017 ECI Awards颁奖盛典”上发表主题演讲
2017年7月7日,美中硅谷协会代表Shawn Flynn 在中国安徽省巢湖市举办的“2017国际数字商业创新应用论坛暨2017 ECI Awards颁奖盛典”上发表主题演讲《来自硅谷的报告-全球创新趋势》。
硅新社时间 4月30日上午,山东(硅谷)旅美人才合作创业交流会在 Santa Clara 举行,山东省委副书记龚正和中国驻旧金山总领事任发强等领导讲话,山东省商务厅等有关部门、领军企业、经济园区、科研机构、大学负责人到会,与旅美精英就合作创新创业发展进行交流探讨,包括信息技术、软件、生物制药、清洁能源、创新孵化等领域。会上介绍了山东省经济社会发展情况、产业结构调整及鼓励创新创业发展政策,推介合作创业项目及人才岗位需求。本次活动由山东省人才工作领导小组主办,美中硅谷协会、北加州山东同乡会协办。
美国西部时间1月21日,美中硅谷协会在硅谷协助由广州市王东副市长率领的代表团组织了广州市科技创新政策宣讲会。 代表团和硅谷地区近百名科技界人士和企业界人士、清华校友以及斯坦福等大学的同学们进行了充分交流。 广州市拿出了8亿元投入企业研发经费后补助。 对于领军人才及团队,单个项目最高资金支持额度可达3000万元。 美中硅谷协会会长王旸建议大家要把握住这个机遇,实现自己的创业梦想。 美中硅谷协会旨在架起一座中美沟通的桥梁,为海归创业铺路,为百年梦想领航。