After 140 years of mayors elected by the City Council, Hollister decided in June to change to direct election by the voters.On November 6 Republican businessman Ignacio Velazquez was elected as Hollister’s first directly-elected mayor.
Ignacio Velazquez ran a campaign to provide a forward thinking agenda that is business friendly. He wants to encourage economic development.
With regard to the city budget, he plans to work with the community to streamline city operations. But he says “I’m still going to make sure we’re funding public safety first.” He will also establish an oversight committee so people know how the money is spent.
Velazquez also plans to work with the school district to keep kids in school and not in gangs. Ignacio has served as a county planning commissioner. He also had prior experience as a candidate, having run for Congress in 2002 and Assembly in 2006.
A small businessman, Ignacio is the owner of The Vault banquet hall and American Electrical Services, which does electrical and solar work.
He is also a past President of the Hollister Downtown Association and past President of the San Benito Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
Ignacio received his B.A. at Cal State Monterey Bay and his MBA at Cal State Hayward.

Ignacio Valazquez
Mayor of City of Hollister
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