
A Gathering of Chunhui Cup Winners

On January 25th, some 30 Chunhui Cup Competition winning teams gathered at Hanhai Investment to share their success stories and exchange ideas on potential cooperation with interested Chinese local science parks. Following Consul Chen Zhengwen’s enthusiastic welcome speech, the award-winning teams shared their successful entrepreneurial experience with their peers. The discussion centered on seeking and […]


Committee of 100 Speakers Forum Asian American Philanthropy: Strategic Investing for Social Impact

Committee of 100 Speakers Forum Asian American Philanthropy: Strategic Investing for Social Impact A conversation with YouTube co-founder Steve Chen will explore the role of Silicon Valley philanthropic leaders and assess the outlook of community-based and globally-focused impact investing. The Committee of 100 Speakers Forum serves as a high-level platform to highlight major issues in U.S.-China relations […]

Opportunity for Silicon Valley – China’s New Ruling Body

Opportunity for Silicon Valley – China’s New Ruling Body China Silicon Valley Organization Tuesday, October 8, 2013 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (PDT) Palo Alto, CA China’s new leadership aims to guide China to a more sustainable model of growth and to manage the country’s rise to a global power. The elite group has […]

China Silicon Valley is hosting a diverse panel of China-US business experts to provide a insight on the policies and economic changes in China

We are pleased to announce that China Silicon Valley is hosting a diverse panel of China-US business experts to provide a comprehensive insight on the policies and economic changes in China and their impact on Silicon Valley which will help you in your business. When: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 6:00 to 8:00 p.m Where: Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw […]


Mayor Anthony Spitaleri of Sunnyvale was joined by seven government delegations from the city of Haikou, China

(September 10, 2013, Sunnyvale, CA) – With the assistance of China Silicon Valley, Mayor Anthony Spitaleri of Sunnyvale was joined by seven government delegations from the city of Haikou, China to discuss building “Friendship Cities” between the two cities. The delegations from Haikou, China expressed their willingness for a long-term business partnership with the government […]

Bringing China and Silicon Valley Closer Together

Pillsbury’s China practice stands on the cusp of what could be dramatic growth. Amid huge increases in Chinese investment into the U.S. and strong interest from U.S. companies in reaching China’s consumers, the practice is forging new bonds with potential clients. Tom Shoesmith, leader of the China practice, recently spoke at the launch ceremony for […]

Ms Stephanie Xu, Co-President of China Silicon valley visited Mr.Cai Dingji, Director of the Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office

Ms Stephanie Xu, Co-President of China Silicon valley visited Mr.Cai Dingji, Director of the Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office in Yuexiu District in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China on July 16. The both sides discussed over and looked forward to future cooperation between China Silicon Valley and Yuexiu District. 7月16日,区侨务和外事办蔡定基主任与中国硅谷协会徐丽雯会长在区侨外办会议室会面。双方就推动越秀区与美国硅谷地区城市发展友好关系议题交换意见,一致认为构建城区间的国际友好交流合作平台,有利于推动双方科技共同发展,加深彼此企业、学校、科技园区的沟通与合作。对于未来发展方向,双方达成以下共识: (一)加强科技交流。双方将共同推动越秀区黄花岗科技园及相关企业与美国硅谷当地企业进行对接、交流与合作。我方企业可依托友好平台在美国当地开拓海外业务,海外留学生也可利用友好平台了解黄花岗科技园发展情况,回国创业。 (二)加强教育交流。越秀区作为广州市教育强区,拥有优质的中小学教育资源。而硅谷作为美国重要的电子工业基地,拥有斯坦福、伯克利和加州理工等一批具有雄厚科研力量的一流大学。双方将鼓励彼此学校以开展夏令营或老师互换交流等方式,加强学术交流。 (三)加强医学交流。目前,越秀区计划打造一个世界一流、辐射中国南部以及东南亚的医疗健康中心。在未来,越秀区将借力海外医疗资源,组织专家到美国进行医疗城项目专项调研,积极引进美国相关医疗企业,鼓励其在越秀进行投资,全力打造“医疗硅谷”。 News […]


China Silicon Valley was formally launched on June 25

China Silicon Valley was formally launched on June 25, 2013 at San Jose City Hall. More than 300 guests came to the celebration and connected with mayors, council members, business leaders and company representatives from both China and the Silicon Valley. The co-presidents of China Silicon Valley, Stephanie Xu and Victor Wang, and board member […]

Formal Launch of China Silicon Valley Announcement

We are pleased to announce the formal launch of China Silicon Valley. The mission of China Silicon Valleyis to promote investments, business communication and cooperation between China and Silicon Valley, and to help create jobs of all types. The launch ceremony will be held in San Jose City Hall on June 25, 2013. An estimated 300 guests […]